Tuesday 16 April 2013

Let there be rain

allotment drainage Apr 13 3

I never thought I would hear myself say this, given the terrible rain and flooding we had last year, but we need a bit of rain. Though we had an abnormally late winter, what we haven't had is much rain recently. We have had two evenings when we had a bit of rain and an afternoon of light showers this month. And that's about it. The ground is rather parched. Look at the grass in fields and they are looking a bit brown at the moment. We have rain forecast for tomorrow so hopefully that will help to fill the water butts on the allotment. It could also test out our new drainage.

The photo above shows a spur of the drainage system I dug recently. Until a few weeks ago it was a very muddy path. The drainage channel is now filled in with bricks and stones and topped off with gravel (which you can see at the top of the photo above).

Soon we will have to start to dig the drainage from under the duck house to the pond. And then from the pond to the corner of the allotment where we will dig a second pond. Lots to do, but we are getting there.

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