Monday 8 September 2014

Burning issues

We have been in danger recently of disappearing under a mass of sticks and branches, all with their leaves carefully removed and eaten by the goats. Having removed nearly all of them from the goat paddock to avoid Pinkie's udders being scratched, I was faced with the task of disposing of them. The larger ones have been chopped up for future use as logs for fuel (we haven't yet made the move from gas and electric heating to the wood fired boiler I want but I foresee it happening at some point soon.) The smaller ones went on to a bonfire. I had tried to use our incinerator but after the 6th attempt to get it to light, I built the fire instead. All the branches had now gone. New supplies of hedge cuttings for our goats are expected tomorrow, and for the days and weeks ahead, as the other allotment holders trim the large hedges around the site. I anticipate having another bonfire later in the year as a result.


Anonymous said...

Still lots going on.
How do you do that with your photos? I've been having to put them on separately since picasa disappeared. I can't even figure out how to use the new google images. any help would be appreciated, maybe a lesson for us all.

Jonathan Wallace said...

I put my photos on Flickr and embed them on the blog from there.